Love is not Love

Marriage, a thing of truth and bond and soul. 
Five vows are taken for all our lives, 
Yet beauty makes us lose our self-control.  

In each other’s youthful glow, we do enrol,  
A feeling we believe so strong as to survive. 
Marriage, a thing of truth and bond and soul. 

If the love is true, any problem may resolve, 
Thus love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. 
But beauty makes one lose their self-control. 

Rosy lips will fade and exposed we are whole, 
Venus’ deceit can cloud our minds. 
Marriage, a thing of truth and bond and soul. 

So when we die and are buried in our hole, 
True love lives on in spiriting kinds. 
Beauty can make one lose their self-control. 

But ours was not and matters were not resolved. 
It did not bear it out and youth did cover my eyes. 
Marriage, a thing of truth and bond and soul. 
Beauty made me lose my self-control