Shakespeare400 in the news

Times Higher Education – 04/02/16

Shakespeare exhibition reveals  the man and his creative process    Times Higher Education  THE .png

Independent – 04/02/16

Of course Shakespeare stole from others  Week in Books column   The Independent.png

People’s Daily (China) – 03/02/16

The Eastender - 03/02/16

London SE1 – 03/02/16

Guardian – 02/02/16

William Shakespeare s will featuring his last signatures goes on show   Culture   The Guardian.png

Financial Times – 02/02/16

Shakespeare’s will shows he was seasoned property investor.png

Sunday Express – 31/01/16

Shakespeare in his own words   History   News

The Stage – 29/01/16

Shakespeare 400  how London is planning to party   Features   The Stage.png

The Times – 19/01/16

Shakespeare’s cruelty to widow in will re examined   The Times   The Sunday Times.png

South China Morning Post – 06/01/16

Shakespeare to be celebrated as ‘Man of Stratford’ in 2016  four centuries after his death   South China Morning Post.png

Guardian – 01/01/16

Shakespeare s 400th anniversary   man of Stratford  to be celebrated in 2016   Culture   The Guardian.png

Culture24 - 09/12/16

 William Shakespeare s last will and testament among key documents going on public show   Culture24.png

Telegraph – 07/12/15

Shakespeare was  celebrity  matchmaker and theatre thief   papers reveal   Telegraph.png